Black's Pest Services

Funemployment Radio Episode 2265: BACK TO SCHOOL

Today: A lot of the kids are back in school, weird traditions growing up and a weird memory of a school play, Johnny Appleseed and Granny Smith, the bus shack and new people, Wales bathrooms are oddlys specific, Dairy Queen burgers are not made of people, and more - have a great afternoon friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2260: WINDOW WARS

Today: Greg and Sarah are getting ready to go on a trip and what is the etiquette for window seats, who has a say for if it's open or closed, speaking when you are not asked to, don't write mean notes to people when you work for the TSA, Friends superfan and Television head man, and more - have a great afternoon friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2259: WE'RE BACK!

Hi friends! Thank you so much for your patience during this wonky week, and today we are finally back! Sarah has stories about the animal sanctuary she got to visit, and Greg revisits all things Georgia from his trip from this past week - it sounds like a pretty magical place! Have a great afternoon all, and talk with you on Monday! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2250: BOBBING AND WEAVING

Today: A recap of the weekend and Greg's strategy for avoiding all lines at all costs, the golden throne and the bet, Guinness World Record for the Listener Party, 30 bars of soap, who ate my sandwich, Alien Abduction insurance, the saddest birthday cake, and more - have a great afternoon all! Oh and here's the video of Greg, haha :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2246: GREG'S CATS

Today: Greg and the new neighbor buddy that has moved next door, what to do this time around, woman angry about cold fries, ghost divorce, a pizza wedding dress, and Greg's interpretation of the Musical Cats - it's disturbing. :) Have a great afternoon friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2241: DO ALIENS EXIST?

Today: Greg and Sarah have a lengthy discussion about aliens, Area 51 and Roswell, Beverly Hills 90210 and the weird episodes, Guiness records and meth gators, favorite movies, and more - happy day to you all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2237: SCOOPERFEST

Today: Greg was starting to get his meth spidey sense that something was wrong and low and behold - he might be correct, how to properly handle the problem to make sure history doesn't repeat itself, and Craig Marquardo joined us to talk all things from getting Sarah her NKOTB Meet-and-Greet tickets, the defunct PMA's, and the first Portland Scooperfest, a bottomless ice cream festival happening July 20th & 21st at Pioneer Square! Have a great afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2230: JUMPING THE SHARK

Today: Sarah and the stand-in, what the person would need to do and how to do it, Greg in Space, KFC chicken skin strips, Sylvester Stallone and the worst impression ever, drunk fish house worker, the worst fan song, and more - have a great afternoon friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2225: HEADING NORTH

Today: Greg comes to terms with the fact that he has a punchable face, Sarah is going to Tacoma and Bremerton, watching her niece and a classy Saturday, Florida x 4, seeing movies multiple times, Titanic and boxed wine, meth french fries, salty Walmart, being paid in hot dogs, and more - have a safe and wonderful weekend, and talk to you on Monday!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2223: PLANT FAMILY

Today: Greg has some new buddies growing in his backyard, but is he really responsible enough to take care of them? Also today - who's hair would you buy, could you live a week without a Smartphone, and more - have a great afternoon!


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Funemployment Radio

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