Greg Nibler

Funemployment Radio Episode 2853: IT SITS LIKE A MUSTACHE

Today: We are getting really excited to go to Amsterdam and we are a little over a week away, things to do there and all the cheese, largest pizza collection and dog tattoos, slow Oregon chase and hiding in a teddy bear, and have a great day all! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2850: IMPALED BY A NAIL

Today: Greg is still deep in the middle of having a new puppy and it's going great and terrible, going camping and having to go get a shot, hole in the teeth and lockjaw, and more - we'll be back tomorrow, have a great afternoon friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2849: BACK ON THE JUICE

Today: Greg was acting weird and then I realized it's because HE'S JUICING AGAIN, pretending to know what you are talking about and really long hair, peanut shells and famous Bowies, and have an excellent weekend friends! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2848: QUIT METHING AROUND

Today: We were judges last night at Portland's Funniest Person Semi-Finals and it was a lot of fun, weird books and meth stories, urban mushing and riding a lawn mower, and a tribute to our dear friend Yohhei who passed away this weekend - we loved him very much. We also love you; thank you so much for listening and for your support ❤️

Funemployment Radio Episode 2846: AARON DURAN

Today: We were joined by our delightful friend Aaron Duran who talked about the 5th issue of the first Volume of Season of the Bruja (pick up your copy today!), his new cider with Reverend Nat's (that is DELICIOUS), and more - it was a lot of fun! Have a great day all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2845: MOVE TO BREMERTON

Today: Sarah had a fun-filled weekend at her parent's 50th Anniversary Party, taking the train doesn't mean you are taking the train, technical music problems and sticky pinball, and have a wonderful afternoon all - we love ya! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2844: ANNIVERSARY DJ

Today: We were joined by our friend Todd Glass who will be at Helium Comedy Club tonight & this weekend - get your tickets here! Also today - Sarah is taking the train to Bremerton tomorrow for her parent's 50th (!!) wedding anniversary, Greg is going to DJ and boy howdy that might have been a mistake, and have an amazing weekend all - we love ya! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2843: HUMBLE BRAG

Today: We were joined by our great friend Rick Emerson to talk all things books, weird thoughts, and just a whole bunch of random fun stuff :) Have a magical day all! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2841: KARAOKE KAPER 2

Today: We went on an adventure this past weekend and it was fun, meeting a friend at Taco Bell and staying on a cliff property, going to Castle Rock and having breakfast at Stuffys, coyote packs and camping, and have a great day all! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2840: TINY TOWN

Today: It's a mini show today, Greg and Sarah are heading up to Washington to go camping, burrowing snakes and cliffsides, small town folks and Portland, and have an amazing weekend friends - we love you!


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