Mac and cheese

Funemployment Radio Episode 2842: NOT ANYMORE

Today: Sarah and the aggressive advertisements on older folks stations, what happened to Bob and his marathons, human cat food and snakes in popcorn, be a candy taster and the worlds largest mac and cheese, and have a fabulous day friends! ❤️

Funemployment Radio Episode 2830: ROBOT GIRLFRIEND

Today: Greg is starting to get specifically targeted ads about a robot lady who wants to be his 'friend', Hazel and Daniel and 'The Room', Florida being really Florida-y, and more - have a great day all! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2679: BIRTHDAY SARAH

Today: It was a shorter show today, Greg tells Sarah some unnerving birthday facts, delicious presents and sparkly shark bags, plus a surprise concert gift!!!! Have a great weekend all, we love ya! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2635: BACK TO THE STUDIO

Today: We finally did and we are back in our studio - wow, it's good to be back! We talked about how weird it is, the changes in the building; camping and fancy dinner, and more - have a wonderful afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2618: THE GREAT SARAH SWAP

Today: Sarah started to get emails again that were meant for the Sarah in Wales, now we believe she might be bizarro Sarah, cheese tooth and reality shows, Beaverton cat and Beaverton burrito, corpse flower, and more - have a great afternoon!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2580: GREGS IN SPACE

Today: Greg found out some exciting news that he passed the first round to GO INTO SPACE, what to put on his video and how to make friends with a eccentric billionaire, selling all of the girl scout cookies, four shapes of nuggets, breakfast mac and cheese, update on the tournament of champions and more - have a great afternoon friends!! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2550: OFFROAD ADVENTURE

Today: Sarah got up bright and early to show a house up on the mountain, getting lost in the woods and trying to find the place, adorable cabin and snow, an assistant to help you with body odor, uh oh is Subway tuna not really tuna, Sarah figured out her dinner plans for Valentine's Day, and more - have a great weekend all! xo

Funemployment Radio Episode 2459: BACK ON THE JUICE

Today: Sarah accidentally gave Greg juice and now we all pay for it, weird things we believed growing up, Sound of Music and the hill monster, cheeto mac and cheese is a thing, move to the Isle of Rum, a man loves tractors way too much, Timbers advance to the finals, and more - have a great afternoon all!!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2418: SPACE BRO

Today: Greg has made a new fuzzy friend in his backyard and is it time for him to get a cat, going crazy and claymation stories from your childhood, hot air baloons and the Devil, dream highway covered in mac and cheese, man marrying his cat, NASA seeking isolation folks, and is basketball coming back?? Have a great afternoon all - happy hour tonight (INSTEAD of tomorrow) at 5:30 PM! Have a great day!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2376: CHICKEN TRICK

Today: It's our last day in the studio for the forseeable future so we are looking ahead! We've come up with some different kinds of shows, Greg and his bow staff, Sarah and her cooking, and more - plus, the most adorable dog injury (sounds weird but true), paid to watch Netflix, and have a great afternoon all!


Coming Up


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10:00am to 11:00am


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