
Funemployment Radio Episode 2656: JANICE AND THE POP-INS

Today: Greg has a new nosy neighbor and why is she wandering around in the front yard, Happy International Dog day to you all (and thanks for sharing your pictures!), Nirvana baby is a baby, blood skateboards, and more! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2237: SCOOPERFEST

Today: Greg was starting to get his meth spidey sense that something was wrong and low and behold - he might be correct, how to properly handle the problem to make sure history doesn't repeat itself, and Craig Marquardo joined us to talk all things from getting Sarah her NKOTB Meet-and-Greet tickets, the defunct PMA's, and the first Portland Scooperfest, a bottomless ice cream festival happening July 20th & 21st at Pioneer Square! Have a great afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2043: RAT RACE!

Today: Things have gone from bad to worse in the land of Nibler and his neighbors, who is the owner really and what are they doing over there, how to deal with something that is not what it seems, and more - have a great weekend all, off Monday but back with a brand new show next Tuesday!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1953: YOUNG GREGORY

Today: Greg continues the speculation about the weird neighborhood, how small is small, Trimet and the dating advertisement, Red Hot Chili Pipers, KFC Valentine's Day cards, throw a tantrum and get free snacks, and please join us for our Funemployment Radio Experience happening Saturday, February 24th, we would greatly appreciate it! Love you lots!!

Coming Up


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10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am

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