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Funemployment Radio Episode NO SHOW TODAY
Hello friends;
We know that we haven't done a show in a few days and today we will also be taking off. We are here at the studio and ready to record, but after the death of a dear friend a couple of days ago paired with an email we just received that we are being sued by copyright trolls for thousands of dollars (on top of what we've already paid in attorneys fees) is just... too much. We are human, and we really just don't have it in us today to be silly. We are both trying, but it's a difficult time (I know for many people) and to be able to do that today - it's just not working.
We are so grateful and love you all very much; we will be judging the Semi-Finals for Portland's Funniest Person at Helium Comedy Club tonight, if you happen to be there please feel free to say hi or cheer when they say our names - that would be awesome. Thanks for your continued support, and we'll be back tomorrow.
RIP to our friend the magical Yohhei Sato - we love you forever buddy ❤️