Today: Sarah just bought a new pair of shoes and then talked to a younger person who has the same ones and now she is an un-influencer, puffy dorito is fancy, Team USA and Pokemon, and more - have a great afternoon!
Today: Sarah's Dad gave her some letters that she wrote to him when he was in the Navy back in the early 90s so we read through them and realize that Sarah has been weird the whole time, bunches of hair and Vanilla Ice, what did Will do, and more - have a great night all!
Today: It seems as if both Greg and Sarah are stuck in the 90s, Sarah wants to bring back her favorite form of exercise, Ani vs. Tori and what it compares to, college flashbacks, our interview with J.KeithvanStraaten (host of the Go Fact Yourself Podcast), and more - have a great afternoon everyone!
Today: We were joined by the magical and wonderful Greg Behrendt who will be performing tonight & all weekend at Helium Comedy Club! Do yourselves a favor and go see him in person; his outlook on life and his stories are just the best. Have a wonderful day all, and remember to pick up your tickets to our Funemployment Radio Experience!