Today: Today has been a weird day so far and it's kind of crazy in Portland right now, buying lunch and carrying lunch and dropping lunch, burrito town, and more - it's a weird (and slightly profane) one :) Have a good day!
Today: Greg is trying out a new look for his fancy jobs and he thinks he can do it, sleeveless guy vs. sport coat guy, NYC sommelier is also a pyro, spaghetti fight, bra money, Olympics updates, and more - have a great day!
Today: Greg has found out that someone who rides a bison to the grocery store exists in Canada and now wants to go there, Portland adventure weekend and mermaids, pocket meat and expensive smoothies, and more! Thanks so much for listening - have a great day :)
Today: Greg went to a family reunion and what do you call a flock of Niblers, lawn darts and waterfalls, Olympics have started and table tennis is amazing, open houses and snacks, and more - have a great afternoon all! :)
Today: Greg had Courage practice yesterday and he is so excited to start playing again, getting back to normal and it's okay that it feels weird, cleaning the wrong house, metal baby names, no haircuts on Sundays, and more - have a great afternoon friends! :)
Today: Greg has decided that it's time to travel again, stories of Europe and where to go, Italy and the pickpockets, don't stop at a drive-thru, Swingerfest, Snickles, and more - have a great afternoon all! :)
Today: Greg introduces a new fan theory pairing up Sarah's favorite movie with an apocalyptic universe, what doesn't make sense and Jack is from the future, James Cameron and the submarine, Smurfs, and more - it's a lot of fun :) Have a great afternoon dear friends!
Today: We are back and freshly sunburned from our weekend in Corbett, animal sounds and camping, small town parade and grumpy bartender, lassoing children, and more - have a great day friends!
Today: Sarah has a new fascination with a fancy new powder, aerating your face probably isn't a good thing, same Hawaiian shirt and a giant tip, free meat, and paying with Monopoly money - have a great day all! :)
Today: Greg has a new nemisis in his ongoing battle with the airplane armrests, did the lady who had 10 kids really have them, finding a DAVID BOWIE painting at a thrift store, going to visit family, and more - have a great afternoon dear friends!