
Funemployment Radio Episode 2220: FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE SASQUATCHERY

Today: Sarah and the embarrassing thing that happened to her at the gym, what is with Canadians and horror, Being Erica and time-travelling Scottish men, Tall people Guiness world record & a plastic cake, and more! We are bonkers today, ugh. Have a good afternoon! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2147: PEEPHOLE

Today: Greg got himself a new toy and now he is obsessed, makeshift peeping and looking through a keyhole, Greg with 2 G's and the debate, Weinermobile needs a driver and Sarah might be perfect, letter-writing for a mansion, boring Superbowl, and more - have a great afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2026: FLEA MARKET

Today: Sarah has decided that she wants a new career choice, what to do and what to sell, never go to a market in Rockwood, Canadian woman's day keeps getting worse, selling a stolen tv, pawternity leave for pets, and more - have an excellent weekend everyone!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2022: VALLEY OF THE DOLLS

Today: Sarah just got back from Bremerton and brought some special friends back with her, Tickles and Big Sarah, why are dolls so creepy and where did hers come from, update on 30-year-old guy who wouldn't move, Canadian peacock trouble, future guy still thinks he's from the future, Greg's predictions, and more! Have a great afternoon!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1985: MASHED POTATO ALIENS

Today: Sarah has decided to do a video show and is not embarrassed about it, describing movies with only a couple of words, national burrito day, Doga, suitcase full of sausages, and more - have a great after noon friends, and don't forget about our FER Experience happening on Saturday, April 14th!

Funemployment Radio Episode INTERVIEW: DR. JON DORE

Today: We were joined by the wonderful Jon Dore who helped us work through many of our issues, the tale of the refrigerator, Boy Idiot, Canada, snake ears, and much much more - he is just the best. Have a great day, and be sure to check him out all this weekend at Helium Comedy Club!!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1919: SARAH STAR WAR

Today: Greg decides to try and figure out if Sarah actually knows anything about Star Wars (sorry in advance, this is going to be super infuriating if you're a big fan), more human feet are washing up in Canada, there is a new 'mad pooper' and this time it's not in Colorado, when will the Redskins actually change their name, and more - have a great day all! Oh, and go see The Disaster Artist, it is super awesome!

Coming Up


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10:00am to 11:00am


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