
Funemployment Radio Episode 2793: MAY THE FOURTH

Today: It's Greg's favorite day of the year - Star Wars Day! Have a great afternoon all, we'll be back tomorrow at our regular time :) We love you!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2792: REALTOR SKELTER

Today: Greg saw a real estate commercial and is now obsessed with making one, charts and talking like a robot, mismatched socks and Admin control, board games, it's not me I'm under a sheet, Tarzan and Jane, and thanks so much for listening! We will be live tomorrow at 11am - have a great afternoon :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2791: SO LYNCHY

Today: Greg went with Sarah and Scott to see David Lynch's 'Inland Empire' in the theater, what it was like being an outsider and the sleeping guy, rabbit heads and sitcom music, going to visit the folks and knick knack videos, and more - have a great day and as always thanks for listening!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2790: TEXT MESSAGE BONANZA

Today: Greg gets a bunch of weird spam text messages and Sarah got real estate trolled, largest bottle of scotch, cereal with orange juice, a crazy new conspiracy theory, Judy Garland's dress, and have a great afternoon friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2789: SHUT UP GREG

Today: We talked about books that we are really enjoying, the World of Stephen King and thank you SO MUCH to Cemetery Dance Publications (looking at you Brian James Freeman!!) for the incredible gift of Joe Hill's Strange Weather sets; we are so appreciative! Oh and then we talk about Gregs, sock selling, Aliens on Twitter and more - have a great day all :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2788: BIRDER MURDER

Today: Greg's friend had a dream and now he has a new mission in life, what it's like to watch birds and a Lifetime movie, so very many national holidays and 4-foot hobbits roaming the jungle, baby naming and getting paid for it, and have a great day all! Show starts early tomorrow at 11am :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2787: YOU'LL BE BACK

Today: Sarah had a fancy lady night with her friend and went to go see Hamilton, Greg and his secret obsession with something that's happening, marrying your cat and that phone is GONE, vaults in the woods, and we love you - have a great day! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2786: BOB DYLAN

Today: Sarah is very excited because she got tickets to go see one of her favorite performers, and Rick Emerson joined us to talk about all different types of music, going to Hamilton, musicians as Gods and Ozzy gum, and have a great weekend! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2785: BUBBLEHEAD

Today: Greg is still head coldy and really doesn't make a lot of sense, old people rock show and a sensible mosh pit, high five day and dressing like a vampire, and have a great afternoon!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2784: BYE BYE BIRDIE

Today: We are back in studio and have updates on Henrietta and her babies, Greg and the multiple car situation, tall families and glass bridges, new Loch Ness monster theory, oh Blazers, and have a great afternoon all! :)


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10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am

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