Dan Weber

Funemployment Radio Episode 2387: READING THE BIBLE WITH DAN - VIRTUALLY!

Today: We were joined by our buddy Dan Weber, who is super hilarious and is hosting an online show (with Helium Comedy Club!) tonight called "Reading the Bible with Dan" - if you've never had the chance to see it before you should absolutely check it out, it is so funny and just the kind of distraction we all need right now - Click here to get

Funemployment Radio Episode 2136: MOGEN DAVID

Today: Sarah is going to a white elephant Christmas work party thing tonight and needed some advice, winning the holiday party, and we were joined by the always hilarious Dan Weber to talk all things from malt liquor to Reading the Bible with Dan which is happening NEXT Thursday (12/27) at Helium Comedy Club! Have a great day all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1923: RABBIT HOLE

Today: Greg read Dear David and we fall further down the rabbit hole, black-eyed children and John Titor, and Comedian/friend Dan Weber joined us to talk about his show Reading the Bible with Dan - this live show featuring the Story of Samson and his magical hair; it is going to be amazing. Thanks for listening and have a wonderful day all!! 

Coming Up


Funemployment Radio

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Funemployment Radio

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10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am

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