Greg Nibler

Funemployment Radio Episode 1965: GROCERY FRIEND

Today: Greg is very concerned because a guy who works at a store he goes to doesn't like him, what did he do to deserve this, Sarah and the Facebook friend connection, 32-year-old who won't leave her dorm room, Big Cheese Festival has no cheese, Flippy the Robot, a man and a plane, and tickets are still on sale to hang out with us in Alaska! Have a great afternoon friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1964: Cheetos Rage

It's a shameful day for Greg Nibler, as an inadvertent display of a loss of control, has left him reeling. How did he get to this point in his life? In World of Crazy: $1600 Uber Ride, KFC Gravy Blight, Twitter, Pretending To Be Asleep. Thanks so much and check out the FER Supporters Club!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1963: MORMON AND THE METH-HEAD

Today: Sarah thinks that Lifetime movies are infiltrating the real world, this is a thing that actually happened, looking for bodies and what would you movie be, and comedians Jessa Reed & Aaron Woodall joined us to talk about their new podcast "Mormon and the Meth-Head" - it's going to be a thing of glory! Be sure to check them out tomorrow night at Funhouse Lounge, and have a great afternoon!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1962: RABBIT RABBIT

Today: Sarah and the superstitions (sounds like a band name), good luck for the month, weird traditions and their history, meatball theif, sauce face, naked club creates a stir, concerned Linda, and more! Also today we have introduced a new level of support by creating the Funemployment Radio Supporters Club - click here for details, and have a great day!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1961: SINGING TELEGRAM

Today: We have found a new thing for Greg and it's actually pretty perfect, didn't know those still existed, Sarah and her upcoming high school reunion, how to pretend to be a grown up, how to be basic, Elvis impersonator, man on a yellow ATV, meat in the pants, fight over food, the curling song, and more - have a great afternoon friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1960: HOARDER

Today: Thank you so much to everyone that came out to our FER movie commentary & bingo afternoon - it was so much fun to get to spend the day with you all!! Today we gave our recap, talked about a new gang in town, drug amnesty boxes (aka free drug boxes), volume fight, hidden Valentine's Day card, and more - have a great evening all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1959: STEVE BYRNE

Today: Greg and Sarah found out about a treasure hunt and now Greg is unstoppable, where to start and how to figure out the riddle, and comedian/writer/good person Steve Byrne joined us to talk hanging out in Portland, making a documentary, bricks and curtains, and more - he's wonderful & will be performing at Helium all weekend! Have a great night, and hope to see you tomorrow at Landmark Saloon for our afternoon of Free Bingo! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 1958: HAUNTED APARTMENT

Today: Sarah is a little freaked out about her apartment and Greg tries to make it worse, Wall Man and the knocking, slanted doorways and bad dreams, don't call the cops about KFC, designer plastic bags, burning down the (skunk) house, worst woman on a plane ever, Team USA goes gold, and more - have a great afternoon friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1957: LIFETIME SARAH

Today: Sarah is going back to her comfortable roots, 90s themes and Lifetime movies with bad endings, recap and Gold vs. Lord, Co-ed Call Girl, Tori Spelling, corndog fight, don't lie to get Chik-fil-A, raccoon cafe is a thing, Olympics updates, and more - have a great afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1956: MIXED MEDICATIONS

Today: Sarah and the story of the crazy lady on the bus, going to Seattle and oh my gosh the Jim Henson exhibit was the coolest thing ever, Greg doesn't know who Bert & Ernie are, KFC running out of chicken, bad airplane, forward or backward, Fergie sings just the worst version of the National Anthemn, a Squatch Watch, and more! Have a great day all; hope to see you this Saturday at the FER Experience at Landmark Saloon with Not Your Mom's Iced Tea!


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