Helium Comedy Club

Funemployment Radio Episode 2964: RIP CITY COMEDY FESTIVAL

Today: We were joined by Joe Bukowski, founder of the Rip City Comedy Festival, to talk about all of the amazing events that are going to be a part of it! It's happening May 4th-6th in SE Portland and sounds awesome; get your tickets here! Oh and also Sarah went to get her oil changed and it went exactly as you might have expected. Have a great day! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2931: SIMON TAYLOR

Today: We had comedian/magician/author Simon Taylor in-studio, it's his first time in Portland and where to go, touring the US and going to Seattle, writing a childrens book and shooting a gun in Texas, and more - have a great day all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2856: ALEX FALCONE

Today: We were joined by the fantastic Alex Falcone today to talk all things traveling to Amsterdam, canals for days and see-through bathrooms, and most importantly - the world of Tik Tok (Follow Alex here!!) - have a great day all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2848: QUIT METHING AROUND

Today: We were judges last night at Portland's Funniest Person Semi-Finals and it was a lot of fun, weird books and meth stories, urban mushing and riding a lawn mower, and a tribute to our dear friend Yohhei who passed away this weekend - we loved him very much. We also love you; thank you so much for listening and for your support ❤️

Funemployment Radio Episode 2813: MYQ KAPLAN

Today: We were joined by the always delightful Myq Kaplan, who will be performing this Sunday at Helium Comedy Club - get your tickets here! Have a wonderful day all, we are grateful for you! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2800: CLOSE LOOP

Today: Sarah and Greg went out with the Sklar brothers last night and they are broken, this is a day where it's good to be a member of the FERSC because good lord there were a lot of bloopers, and have a lovely weekend all - we love ya! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2740: JAKE SILBERMAN

Today: We were joined by our friend comedian Jake Silberman to talk Portland, touring around the country in Covid times, and his first time headlining at Helium Comedy Club here in Portland THIS Sunday - get your tickets here! Oh and also Sarah is insane and picked up a couple of giant signs. Have a great weekend all, we will be back on Monday! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2675: FELIPE ESPARZA

Today: For some reason the topic of lockers comes up and Greg thinks that only rich people have their own, a strange story about an Elvis impersonator who may or may not be related to Kurt Cobain, and we interviewed the hilarious Felipe Esparza who will be at Helium Comedy Club tonight through Sunday - grab your tickets here!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2393: DOG BIRTHDAY PARTY

Today: Sarah is super excited because she has something to look forward to, decorating for a dog's birthday party and why it's totally not crazy at all and super normal, and Adam Ray (About Last Night Podcast) joined us via the internets to talk about quarantine, doing comedy virtually (his show is this Saturday hosted by Helium Comedy Club - get your tickets here!), and more - he's great! Have a good afternoon all :) 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2387: READING THE BIBLE WITH DAN - VIRTUALLY!

Today: We were joined by our buddy Dan Weber, who is super hilarious and is hosting an online show (with Helium Comedy Club!) tonight called "Reading the Bible with Dan" - if you've never had the chance to see it before you should absolutely check it out, it is so funny and just the kind of distraction we all need right now - Click here to get


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Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 12:00pm

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