Landmark Saloon

Funemployment Radio Episode 2900: ALL HEROS WEAR CAPES

Today: Thank you SO much to everyone that came to Landmark this past weekend for a Courage Country Christmas - we appreciate all of you! Also today - Sarah had an awesome time in Tacoma, Big Bowie Birthday, and more! Have a great day!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2887: COURAGE COUNTRY CHRISTMAS

Today: Sarah and her new shoe obsession, to delete or not to delete the app, fanny pack for every occasion, pub crawl record, people keep stealing a hilarious sign, and don't forget about Courage Country Christmas on December 10th!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2882: NO MORE GREGS

Today: Greg has found out that his name is going extinct and wants to do something about it, Gregapalooza and Gregfest, secret lottery winners and hooker ghosts, and save the date of December 10th for a Courage Country Christmas! Oh, and also be sure to follow Bowie's Instagram page because Greg is now that guy :) Thanks!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2879: TRICK OR TREAT

Today: We are still both trying to figure out what the heck to wear for Halloween, Juggalo Jan Crouch, Elsa the Disney Princess, do kids expect candy on the weekend, and more - PLUS: A big announcement about an event we have coming up!!! Have a great weekend friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2389: LANDMARK SALOON

Today: We were joined by our special virtual guest Nick Wilson from Landmark Saloon! It was so much fun to catch up with him, he's a dear friend of ours who (like most small businesses currently) is out of work and unsure of what the future holds - plus he regales us with some Sports facts, hot dog!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2379: BOX OF SALAD

Today: We were joined by Matt from Pacific North Press to talk about what they are doing right now to help small businesses during the apocalypse, how to sign up for shirts, and more - he is great and they are doing a lot of good! Also today - a lengthy argument about what makes a salad, Sarah getting her bearings around social isolation, and Greg and his incessant chattering - have a great weekend all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2280: OPEN HOUSE

Today: Huge thank you to everyone that came out for the Fourth Annual Brewer's Cup - it was a huge success and we were so happy to get to spend the day with you! Also today - Sarah is getting ready for her first listing and is planning an Open House, what to do and what should she make, how to look like a Realtor, and more - have a great afternoon! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2279: MEGAPHONE GUY

Today: It's two days until the Brewer's Cup and we are super excited for it, Greg has a big meeting and can't lose his voice so he decided to invest in a megaphone, oh dear lord, update on Storm Area 51, meth couple calls cops on themselves, new sexy Halloween costumes, and more - have a great weekend, and hope to see you Sunday at Landmark Saloon!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2276: TREADMILL GUY

Today: Sarah is very excited because she ordered her first house post and that is a thing that companies actually do, Greg and his new sports equipment, how soon till spandex, back of a police car, Jason chasing you in a campground, don't open your mouth too wide, and we are just FIVE days away from the Brewer's Cup - hope to see you there!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2271: TEENAGE DIRTBAG

Today: Greg went to an Iron Maiden show over the weekend and it changed his life, Metal is super dorky and amazing and I (Sarah) really wish that I would have gone to the show, Ed Force One and being awesome, Real Estatey stuff, calling Police on yourself, don't burn your own house down, Squatchwatch, NFL gossip, and more! Have a great afternoon friends! 


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