Today: Sarah had yet another bizarre thing happen to her at her apartment complex, is it Wallman who's doing this and where did the packages come from, Miss Wangle and the Nessie sighting, and more - it's a weird one :) Have a great afternoon all!
Today: Greg had a bit of a day yesterday which started with falling down the stairs, and then evolved into figuring out someone stole a part of his Jeep and then slicing his finger - yay! Also today, a Florida man does his Florida thing with a machete, and someone claims to have finally seen Nessie :) Have a great afternoon all!
Today: Black's Pest Services is awesome and Sarah had a request for their 'employee of the day', high school Senior pictures and old karate binders, we are nuts, I need more beer, put on a shirt when you are in a Zoom meeting, the Loch Ness monster has been sighted, and more - thanks so much for listening all - we love you!!!
Today: Being a series completist, knowing something is going to end and do you watch it or not, Sarah had an interesting night at her cater waiter job, the old man and the bourbon, the old woman and the painting, a school decides to ban Harry Potter books, Texas actually does something right, Loch Ness monster news, and more - have a great afternoon, and be sure to save the dates - Sunday, September 22nd & FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH!!