Michael Landon

Funemployment Radio Episode 2440: BACK TO MICHAEL LANDON'S HAIR

Today: Sarah had some super weird dreams, Ed Kemper and Michael Jordan, Rick Emerson and Michael Landon, hair form different celebrities and how it's identified, loudest concert you've ever been to, and much much more - it's a weird and fun one :) Have a great afternoon all! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2328: SO LONG, 2019!

Today: It's our last show of the year (yuk yuk yuk)! We talked about Greg's latest obsession with his Michael Landon-haired soul mate from - you guessed it! - Escape to Witch Mountain, plus clogging shoes, predictions for 2020, 10 year anniversary and upcoming news, drunk in a buggy, North Carolina news, and more - have a safe and Happy New Year, dear friends! 

Coming Up


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10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am

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