
Funemployment Radio Episode 2708: BUSES & BREMELOS

Today: We are backfrom Thanksgiving break! We hope you all had an amazing time with however you spent your week :) Today's show includes Sarah's tales of the bus ride from hell to Seattle, spending time with family and Country Thanksgiving, GWAR and Sebastian Bach, and have a great afternoon friends! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2707: CRABS & CARS

Today: Sarah went to her first crab buffet over the weekend and what that's like, broken down cars and bus rides, dog phones, don't eat your earbuds, Greg's predictions for the Thanksgiving games, and have a great night friends!!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2703: TOFUNKY

Today: We are getting ready to go on our friend Paul Goebel's gameshow tomorrow and we are both very nervous, what kinds of things should we say, 80,000 socks and lost teddy bears, eggrolls, and have a great night!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2531: SECRET SANTA

Today: Greg and his weird obsession of giving people money to eat strange things, still eating Thanksgiving leftovers and oh god no, accidentally opening something that's not for you, married to a briefcase, winery in a sewage plant, and more - have a great weekend friends, stay safe!!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2515: CARD GUY

Today: Sarah is coming to terms with some bummer news (that she is definitely not alone with, we are all in this together!), cardboard family for Christmas, decorating early and no Thanksgiving, magician record, Greg the card guy, move to Arkansas, hidden in the folds, and more - have a great day all! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2512: HAIR BAGS

Today: We have settled on the fact that we are going nowhere for Thanksgiving, what to make on that day and Sarah doesn't like turkey, selling bundles of Elvis hair and where is Marisa Tomei, Japanese Robot Wolves, house out of bottles, and more - have a great afternoon all, we love ya! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2121: FRIENDSGIVING

Today: Sarah was super excited about something she thought she came up with and then someone else did, and another someone did way way before, taco sweaters, haunted mirror, married to a hologram, kids do the darndest things, predictions, and more - have a wonderful week all, and we'll be back on Monday!!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1909: BORN HERE

Today: Sarah and the great dive bar, don't get stabbed around her, Bremelos and Thanksgiving Dinner, Olive Garden baby, spaghetti burrito is a thing, crazy person wants to fly a rocket, Shania Twain still has it, and the Portland Podcast Festival is less than a week away - get your tickets today! Have a wonderful afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1907: GOBBLE TALK

Today: Sarah is heading to Bremerton and needs some advice, how to avoid awkward conversation at the dinner table, what topics are the most mundane and traffic is just the worst, airline advice, cheetoes turkey day, Nessie sightings and Sarah and can't talk, turkey facts, and Greg's predictions - have a great afternoon!

Coming Up


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