Today: We were joined by Rick Emerson and we talked all things from Dear Abby to The Giving Tree, Corey Feldman and the crazy ticket prices, giant dogs and terrifying whale facts, and have a great afternoon - also pick up your copy of Unmask Alice today!
Today: We've announced that we are having our first event of the year, and it's happening on Sunday, March 17th - St. Patrick's Day! We talked all about that, the end of the world pamphlet Sarah got in the mail, who would be a good cult leader, conspiracy theory madlibs, and more - have a great day friends! Tickets to our Event here!!
Today: We were joined by the magical and wonderful Greg Behrendt who will be performing tonight & all weekend at Helium Comedy Club! Do yourselves a favor and go see him in person; his outlook on life and his stories are just the best. Have a wonderful day all, and remember to pick up your tickets to our Funemployment Radio Experience!
Today: Sarah is heading to Bremerton and needs some advice, how to avoid awkward conversation at the dinner table, what topics are the most mundane and traffic is just the worst, airline advice, cheetoes turkey day, Nessie sightings and Sarah and can't talk, turkey facts, and Greg's predictions - have a great afternoon!