Twin Peaks

Funemployment Radio Episode 2791: SO LYNCHY

Today: Greg went with Sarah and Scott to see David Lynch's 'Inland Empire' in the theater, what it was like being an outsider and the sleeping guy, rabbit heads and sitcom music, going to visit the folks and knick knack videos, and more - have a great day and as always thanks for listening!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2542: A HORSE IS A HORSE

Today: Greg thinks he saw something from his living room window but wasn't sure if it was real, are we all living in the matrix or is this just the way the world is, Sarah and her glasses and her weird eye, and more - it's a shorter show but made with love! Have a great afternoon friends :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2242: BRINE TIME

Today: Greg had something happen to him that of course happened to him because he's Greg, how to react in that scenario, and Comedians (and Baseball fans!) Jake Silberman & Jeremiah Coughlan joined us to talk all things plane crashes, Pickles baseball, their podcast Brine Time, and more - they are great! Have a good afternoon all, talk to you tomorrow!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2119: DAVID KOECHNER

New episode is up featuring our chat with the hilarious David Koechner! We talked about everything from Anchorman to Twin Peaks, and he leaves us with some life advice - he's an awesome dude :) Have a great weekend all, and catch David tonight & tomorrow at Helium Comedy Club!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2050: SURE ENOUGH

Today: Sarah is super duper excited to maybe meet Kyle Maclachlan again today at a wine tasting, how do you act and what do you call him, being an extra and an actor, Powerball win, Brady Bunch house, interesting coffin, got yer nose, NBA soap opera, and more - have a great afternoon! Also a huge thank you to our new sponsor, Rose City Comic Con!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2022: VALLEY OF THE DOLLS

Today: Sarah just got back from Bremerton and brought some special friends back with her, Tickles and Big Sarah, why are dolls so creepy and where did hers come from, update on 30-year-old guy who wouldn't move, Canadian peacock trouble, future guy still thinks he's from the future, Greg's predictions, and more! Have a great afternoon!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2021: TWIN GEEKS

Today: Sarah is heading up north to a brewfest with her Dad this weekend and they are going to where the pilot episode of Twin Peaks was filmed and she is beside herself with excitement, what Greg thinks it's about and what it really is, baseball might indeed be coming to Portland, and more - have a wonderful weekend you wonderful humans!!

Coming Up


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