
Funemployment Radio Episode 2692: THE RETURN

Today: We are heading back to Montana!! Greg is going to Bozeman for a Two Box Media job and Sarah is flying down, fear of flying and hypnosis, toilet paper highway, rooms inside cabinets, and have a great afternoon!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2312: SKAGWAY NEWS

Today: Sarah and Greg found out that a newspaper in a place they both like is up for sale for free, the difference between a Town and a City, living in a tiny place and your role, Greg being a reporter and of course he would be, we have a new Meddling Time Traveler, and more - thank you so much everyone, have a great afternoon!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2202: MAGNESIUM DREAMS

Today: It's Kentucky Derby weekend and it might be the last one at Portland Meadows, Sarah and the real estate meet-up and being grown up, and our extremely talented friends Bryan Daste & Emma Hill join us to talk Alaska, recording their new album, what magnesium dreams really are, and their event happening this weekend (RSVP for the show here!) - have a great afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2080: ALASKAN CRUISE ADVENTURE

Today: We are back from our cruise in (mostly) one piece! Today we talked about what it's like traveling on a cruise ship, the places we went and the people we met, the weird things that happened and the places we loved, and much much more; it's a long one but if you have any interest in what we've been up to for the past week and a half this will answer your questions :) Have a great afternoon, and we'll be back tomorrow with a brand-new episode! Also be sure to follow us on Instagram for more pictures of our adventure!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2079: CRUISIN' WITH CALEB

Today: Greg and Sarah are getting ready for the cruise, what it was like riding in a race car and meeting Mario Andretti, and our friend Caleb Denison joined us to talk about what it was like working on a cruise ship, the do's and dont's of cruising, how to make friends with the Captain, and more - have a great afternoon, live show tomorrow early at 9am!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1999: THE DANDELION MAN

Today: Greg is continuing to be the weird guy in his neighborhood, smoke alarms and helpful neighbors, mowing the lawn and starting out the window, plastic keys for handcuffs, underachiever race, NBA players hurt feelings, cheetos and a bathtub, and more - have a great afternoon! Oh, and also be sure to check out (and please feel free to share!) our video we made about the Buckner Building - thanks! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 1996: ARE YOU EFFING WITH ME?

Today: Greg is accidentally doing something embarrassing on accident and doesn't know how to stop, get in front of it or just ignore it, update on the video from yesterday and oh dear god how could it possibly get more terrifying, doomsday is happening sometime between here and there, kids can't read clocks, I love your wombat baby, Sarah's awful story, and more - have a great day!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1995: RETURN FROM ALASKA

Today: We are back from Alaska and missed you all very much! Huge thanks again to everyone who was able to join us, it was a huge success and we are looking to get another FER Adventure together sometime in the not-so-distant future! Today we talked about the Courage Show, bears, haunted buildings and long tunnels, motorcycle for free, the bear shark snake trifecta, stolen fajitas, and more - have a great afternoon all!

Also here is a link to the video version of today's episode!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1994: LIVE FROM LEVI'S LOUNGE

Our Alaska episode is up featuring out good buddy Gavin and his hilarious tales of living in Alaska - it's amazing. Have a wonderful day!!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1993: LIVE FROM LANDMARK SALOON

Today - we are in Alaska! We are just getting ready to head out to do our pub crawl for the day, but we wanted to make sure that we loaded this show for you first :) This is the live recording from last Sunday at the Landmark Saloon for our Funemployment Radio Experience - learn all kinds of fun facts about Alaska, plus we were joined by a long lost guest. Have a great day all!


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