Today: Greg had himself a rip-roaring time in Vancouver over the weekend, being a 'cool guy' and making new friends, orange shirt vs. white shirt, going to see WWII planes and meeting a new beaver family, being afraid of Alexa, and more - have a great day all, and don't forget to snag your ticket to our Live Event happening on Saturday, June 29th!
Today: Greg comes to terms with the fact that he has a punchable face, Sarah is going to Tacoma and Bremerton, watching her niece and a classy Saturday, Florida x 4, seeing movies multiple times, Titanic and boxed wine, meth french fries, salty Walmart, being paid in hot dogs, and more - have a safe and wonderful weekend, and talk to you on Monday!
Today: Greg regales us with stories from his trip up north, why does he seem to be the one that someone will hate, why the punch face, stealing tips, munchie meals, driving off a pier, pumping your own gas (HEAVEN FORBID), update on predictions, and more - have a great night all! Happy New Year!
Today: Greg is heading to the rough and tumble Couve for the night, boys night and oh my lord they are dorks, what bars to go to, who's th leader of the gang, fun New Years Eve traditions, drinking burning wishes, Greg's predictions, and more - have a wonderful weekend, and we'll talk to you next year (yuk yuk yuk)! :)