Today: We were joined by our friend Rick Emerson and we just start out right out of the gate being a little nutty, going to Lake Oswego and fancy castles next to a lake, and then it kind of derails into speculation about why movies get filmed where they do, product descriptions for things they don't do, and more - have a great afternoon all!
Today: Greg is heading into the woods for the weekend and here's hoping that he comes back in one piece, Cowboy Sprizters are now a thing of the past, Sarah and her exciting house listing, creepy loitering people, Jenga World Record, and more - have a great weekend all!
Today: Sarah is super duper excited because she has a house that is listing today, what is involved and so much paperwork, what would your dream eccentric billionaire mansion be, why don't ladies wear monocles, and just more weirdness :) Have a great afternoon friends!