White Elephant

Funemployment Radio Episode 2323: THE PRANK

Today: Greg has finally figured out who put the sticker on his car and he is not happy, how do you prank a prankster, gifts for coworkers and white elephant presents, Sarah entered a contest, a new friend named Jersey Thomas, living in a magical castle or taking the money, and more - have a great day all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2136: MOGEN DAVID

Today: Sarah is going to a white elephant Christmas work party thing tonight and needed some advice, winning the holiday party, and we were joined by the always hilarious Dan Weber to talk all things from malt liquor to Reading the Bible with Dan which is happening NEXT Thursday (12/27) at Helium Comedy Club! Have a great day all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1924: CHRISTMAS IN THE NORTHWEST

Today: Sarah is going to a white elephant party and doesn't know what to do, Greg decides to give her tips, Olive Garden for Christmas, ax-throwing party, Christmas rage room, hair museum, naked restaurant, Greg's bowl predictions, and more - have a wonderful holiday everyone, we love you so much!

Coming Up


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