Ross Island

Funemployment Radio Episode 2486: SQUIRREL FACTS

Today: Greg has realized he has a healthy fear of little fuzzy creatures, what will happen when the great uprising ensues, going to see Poulsen house and what it was like inside, world's largest collection of chapstick, man cave under the subway, swallowing a toothbrush, tacky wedding invitation and more - have a great afternoon friends! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2485: RAILROAD TYCOON

Today: Sarah is super excited because she gets to see inside of a house that she's loved for years, Greg and the fight with the Rosses, Gucci wants you to buy dirty overalls, Richard Nixon's half-eaten sandwich, Tiny Tim, man with incredibly deep pockets, and more - it's a weird one :) Have a great afternoon friends! 

Coming Up


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