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Funemployment Radio Episode 2804: BUILT TO SPILL

Today: Greg and Sarah have a clumsy-off where they both try to make the other seem more clumsy and we are both just idiots, secret dog snuggling and human dog beds, woman and her zombie bride doll and it's a weird one today - have a wonderful afternoon all! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2571: CREEPY PEEPER

Today: To look or not to look, creepy looky-loos and being the neighborhood busy body, and Rick Emerson joined us to talk unnerving window angles, DB Cooper, Titanic, street malt liquor, and lots more - it was a lot of fun!! Thanks for listening, and have a great afternoon dear friends! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2558: PORTLAND PANIC

Today: We finally get some snow, what to do on a snow day and pretending to drive the Jeep, Florida man, buying hair at auction, the richest dog in the world, Civil War reenacting rooster lost at Cracker Barrel, and more - have a wonderful weekend friends!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2525: SWEET ANGEL OF PUDDING

Today: Sarah had something horrifying happen to her (spoilers - it's about a spider so if that super freaks you out feel free to skip past! Ughhhhh), Greg and his new online romance, shooting clay pigeons and big buck hunter competition, giant tumbleweeds in Australia, and more - have a great day all, and always remember to SHAKE OUT YOUR MASK! xoxo

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Funemployment Radio

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Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am


Funemployment Radio

10:00am to 11:00am

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