Past Episodes: March 2023

Funemployment Radio Episode 2942: PI DAY

Today: Greg had his first day at his new job and it was awesome, meeting new people and trying to not be weird, you gotta get down on Pi Day, Tournament of CHAMPIONS starts soon, happy birthday Kielen, and have a great day all! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2941: BLOCK ADVISORS

Today: We were joined by our good friend Gilbert Gleason of Block Advisors to talk all things taxes, what is new this year and the daunting 1099-K, how to properly file charitable donations, and much more - it is always so great to have him in! Also today, Greg finally makes his announcement about what his new opportunity is going to be :) Thanks so much for listening, and have a wonderful weekend all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2940: CRUISIN

Today: Greg has finally succeeded in most likely giving himself an ulcer, Sarah and the beer rejection, parents buy a billboard to get son a date, spiderman museum, three year world cruise, and have a great day!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2937: BREMELO

Today: Sarah is super duper excited because she is going to visit her parents this weekend, weird smells and canceled plans, loch ness monster and new words, and have a great afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2936: RICK EMERSON

Today: We were joined by our pal Rick Emerson to talk all things The Last of Us, creepy creatures and mushroom faces, chatfishing, and much more - it's a lot of fun :) Have a great day all! 


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