
Funemployment Radio Episode 1991: A NEW MYSTERY

Today: Greg is excited because now he thinks it's his time to shine and he is ready to solve the case, who is this person and was it really Bob all along, restroom hand dryers are ickier than you think, Guinness eating records and let's do it, going to Alaska, Sarah might like to eat but she will never eat a spider, and much more - have a wonderful day, and one more Oregon show until we leave for Alaska! Woohoo!!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1990: SPRINGO

Today: Greg has discovered his mission in life and it has to do (shockingly) with cheetos and video games, Bingo is tomorrow and we are super excited (!!), world's largest cinnamon roll is in Medford, winning the lottery from a dream, who is going to get the Stanley Cup, and more - have a great weekend, and we hope to see you tomorrow at Landmark Saloon for Bingo, brought to you by NYF Mountain Ale!!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1989: Nut Dispenser

Today: Greg is insanely jealous about the 'free stuff' that Sarah keeps getting from neighborhood places, that they both visit. What is the secret? Is it just the punchable face factor?! We also have a great interview with Alex Grubard! His show, Weeding Out The Stoned sounds hilarious and is at Helium Comedy Club on Sunday, April 15th! Also, what are the rules to opening and eating food, before you pay for it? It's a divided house and we'll get into it.

Funemployment Radio Episode 1988: THRILL SEEKERS

Today: Sarah is getting some really strange stuff pitched to her on Facebook, don't become that person, inspirational meme people and marilyn monroe, and comedians Kerby Darius & Rishi Mathur joined us to talk about first impressions of Portland, not hiking, donuts, and more - they are awesome. Get your tickets to their show here, and have a great afternoon!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1987: CHINOOK WINDS 10

Today: Sarah is back from the coast and the tales of the neverending time at the casino, fighting over handicapped parking spots and lottery games, Greg and his new terrifying friend, the Queen Mary and the haunted room, drugs blowing in the wind, cult getting culty in Brooklyn, and more - have a great afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1986: GUYS WE F@#KED

Today we were joined by the talented and hilarious duo Krystyna Hutchinson & Corinne Fisher, who together make up the super popular podcast 'Guys We F@#ked'. We chatted with them about podcasting, Portland, sex, reality shows, Macaulay Culkin, writing and book, and much more - they were great. Catch them all this weekend at Helium Comedy Club, and also be sure to get your tickets to our FER Experience today!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1985: MASHED POTATO ALIENS

Today: Sarah has decided to do a video show and is not embarrassed about it, describing movies with only a couple of words, national burrito day, Doga, suitcase full of sausages, and more - have a great after noon friends, and don't forget about our FER Experience happening on Saturday, April 14th!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1984: POISON IVY

Today: Sarah is back(ish) and talks about the bad movies that she loves, some things absolutely do NOT hold up during the test of time, Blockbuster movies vs. the campy TV ones, glitter food, coconut water big bucks, this ham is on fire, Greg gives up on the TOC race (finally), and more - have a great afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 1983: FIRST TIME, LONG TIME

Today: Greg and Sarah set out with the best intentions to do a live show but alas, Sarah's illness did not allow her to speak for long periods of time (and she is very very VERY frustrated with this) so she ended up leaving early ; Greg stepped up to the plate and took some phone calls, and the show went on from there! Thanks everyone for listening - my name is Sarah and I'm going to take Nyquil now. xoxo

Funemployment Radio Episode 1982: PUPPET MUSEUM

Today: Greg and Sarah went to a Puppet Museum in Portland over the weekend and now Sarah wants to be part of the puppet community (check out the pictures on FER Instagram), is Sharky due for a comeback, being the crazy person on the bus, job as a binge-watcher, that's not chinese food, horrible new trend, last day of THE TOC, and more - have a great afternoon friends!


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