Today: Greg and Sarah went to the Kentucky Derby party and randomly both of their horses placed, man eats the most Big Macs in the world, drunken lawn mowing, don't do that to a car, flat earth and no Australia, and where do you think a secret bunker would be hidden - thanks for listening friends, have a great day!
Today: Sarah and Greg are going to watch the Kentucky Derby tomorrow and are really excited, horse dresses and horse facts, Greg takes a horse quiz and finds a particularly obnoxious sound board, don't take a selfie with a bear, and more - have an amazing weekend everyone, and if you see us at Portland Meadows tomorrow be sure to say hello!
Today: Sarah regales Greg with the tale of the terrible party that she worked at yesterday, Linda and the snapping, working in different places and moving furniture, the Matrix is sushi, don't rob the same bank twice, finally one of them has been caught, a squatch watch, and more - have a great afternoon friends!
Today: Sarah got caught peeping on someone when they were standing right next to her, Greg and the window washer, and our buddies Ken & Clinton from the Portland Beardsmen joined us to talk about their charity event happening next Friday, May 11th - Beards & Roses! Thanks for listening, and have a great day friends!
Today: We chat about the past few years and now 2000 episodes of Funemployment Radio, and we are so grateful for each and every one of you! From our favorite guests to forgotten bits we have a chat, and maybe a couple of beers along the way :) Have a wonderful afternoon all, and thank you SO much for your support - we love you!
Today: Greg is continuing to be the weird guy in his neighborhood, smoke alarms and helpful neighbors, mowing the lawn and starting out the window, plastic keys for handcuffs, underachiever race, NBA players hurt feelings, cheetos and a bathtub, and more - have a great afternoon! Oh, and also be sure to check out (and please feel free to share!) our video we made about the Buckner Building - thanks! :)
Today: Sarah found something shiny and she is now obsessed, liking something one day and not the next, oh my god we are insane, threeces, a terrible ball talk song, and much more - today we are pretty insane. Have a wonderful weekend friends!!
Today: It seems as if both Greg and Sarah are stuck in the 90s, Sarah wants to bring back her favorite form of exercise, Ani vs. Tori and what it compares to, college flashbacks, our interview with J.KeithvanStraaten (host of the Go Fact Yourself Podcast), and more - have a great afternoon everyone!
Today: Greg is accidentally doing something embarrassing on accident and doesn't know how to stop, get in front of it or just ignore it, update on the video from yesterday and oh dear god how could it possibly get more terrifying, doomsday is happening sometime between here and there, kids can't read clocks, I love your wombat baby, Sarah's awful story, and more - have a great day!
Today: We are back from Alaska and missed you all very much! Huge thanks again to everyone who was able to join us, it was a huge success and we are looking to get another FER Adventure together sometime in the not-so-distant future! Today we talked about the Courage Show, bears, haunted buildings and long tunnels, motorcycle for free, the bear shark snake trifecta, stolen fajitas, and more - have a great afternoon all!