Today: Sarah is having some sort of mental issues about her bond with Sharky, what does it actually say about Sarah and Sharky's past poems, why is he so mean and why does he hate Greg so much, Born Slippy on repeat was pretty much Sarah's 90s, Florida men doing Florida things, Greg's incorrect predictions, and more -have a great afternoon all!
Today: Greg and Sarah went to a Puppet Museum in Portland over the weekend and now Sarah wants to be part of the puppet community (check out the pictures on FER Instagram), is Sharky due for a comeback, being the crazy person on the bus, job as a binge-watcher, that's not chinese food, horrible new trend, last day of THE TOC, and more - have a great afternoon friends!
Today: Greg has a new idea about what he wants to do with his persona, how does one actually become a real ventriloquist, Miss V and the dummy, Portland Podcast Festival, Japanese drunk rescue bus, pet skunk, shot of fireball bad news, ET record for sale, and more - have a great afternoon all!