Past Episodes: 2023

Funemployment Radio Episode 2970: RICK EMERSON

Today: We were joined by our dear friend Rick Emerson to talk about glasses, how many sunglasses Sarah owns, Marvels newest idea for marketing, and more - its a lot of fun! Also today our pal Ace was in studio (and it's his birthday!) - please give his Instagram page a follow if you please! :) Thanks for listening friends! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2969: JENA FRIEDMAN

Today: We were joined by Jena Friedman who will be at Helium Comedy Club this Saturday at 3pm - get your tickets here! Also today - Sarah went to Seattle and convinced her nieces trolls were real, creeping inside her old house, and more! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2968: HEADING TO THE NORTHLAND

Today: Greg saw an old friend at the supermarket and was embarrassed by what he had in his basket, how many chips are TOO many chips, Sarah heading to Bremerton and Seattle, Taco Time and Dollar Tree, and have a great afternoon all! 


Today: Greg is no longer living the wallet chain lifestyle, money belts and traveling abroad, Fast and the Furious franchise and creepy airbnbs, stinky socks on a plane, ball talk, and more - have a great day all! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2966: SEARCH FOR AN IMPOTENT MAN

Today: Greg got a strange book in the mail that he didn't ask for, Dean Koontz and the terrfying bad guys, podcasting world record and Mr. Potato Head, own your own island, and have an excellent rest of your Monday friends! :) 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2965: MR. WIKIPEDIA

Today: Sarah is an internet stalker, being a teenager and going through people's things, wikipedia pages and we are all creeps, and have a wonderful day friends - we love ya! :)

Funemployment Radio Episode 2964: RIP CITY COMEDY FESTIVAL

Today: We were joined by Joe Bukowski, founder of the Rip City Comedy Festival, to talk about all of the amazing events that are going to be a part of it! It's happening May 4th-6th in SE Portland and sounds awesome; get your tickets here! Oh and also Sarah went to get her oil changed and it went exactly as you might have expected. Have a great day! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2963: OIL CHANGE PHOBIA

Today: Sarah is going in for an oil change and she is really nervous, dealing with people trying to oversell and how to say no, world's largest D&D game, dressing like a bird of prey, Bremerton update, Dillon the villian, and have a great day all! 

Funemployment Radio Episode 2962: ARLO WEIERHAUSER

Today: We were joined in-studio by our dear friend Arlo Weierhauser! They have a bunch of rad stuff coming up, including teaching a beginning comedy class (a couple of spots left - snag your spot here!!), their new show Portland Mercury Presents: Two Evils coming up on May 4th! Have an excellent weekend friends and we'll talk with you on Monday! :)


Today: We were joined by our long time friend Lane Moore to talk all about her new book, finding your people, visiting Portland, and Tinder Live - happening tonight at Polaris Hall - get your tickets here! Have a great day friends!


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