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Past Episodes: 2018
Funemployment Radio Episode 2055: BOBBY LEE
Today we were joined by the one and only Bobby Lee; he is a long time friend of the show and just wonderful! Be sure to catch him all this weekend at Helium Comedy Club, and watch his ABC show Splitting Up Together! Have a great weekend all, we love ya!
Funemployment Radio Episode 2054: WE ALL FLOAT
Today: Greg and Sarah took the day off yesterday to float the river, the do's and don't's of paddling (and how not to get rope burn), frog lickers, the kids love stink sacks, naked yoga, Facebook drama, and more - have a great day all!!
Funemployment Radio Episode 2053: SOULFUL GIVING
Today: Linda Yoshida & Staci Sigala from the Soulful Giving Foundation joined us to talk about their charity, the concert they are putting on on August 4th, sponsors and music, strangest things they have seen at the shows, and more - they are wonderful! Also today - Sarah got her DNA test back and she's not what she thought she was and is trying to adapt :) Have a great afternoon all! (GET YOUR SOULFUL GIVING TIX HERE!)
Funemployment Radio Episode 2052: MICHAEL & LINDSAY
Today: Greg is stressing out way too much and Sarah is trying to get him to stop, how to relax when you don't know how to relax, cat mayor in Michigan, yet another Blood Moon, naked spagetti, Lebron makes people sad, and more - have a great afternoon friends!
Funemployment Radio Episode 2051: JUICE EYES
Today: Greg fell off of the juice wagon today and was in full juice effect, Sarah is working a wedding and Greg wants to try to go, faking bartending, Costco sausages, Godsister is confusing, anchor in a chicken fight, and more - have a great weekend all!
Funemployment Radio Episode 2050: SURE ENOUGH
Today: Sarah is super duper excited to maybe meet Kyle Maclachlan again today at a wine tasting, how do you act and what do you call him, being an extra and an actor, Powerball win, Brady Bunch house, interesting coffin, got yer nose, NBA soap opera, and more - have a great afternoon! Also a huge thank you to our new sponsor, Rose City Comic Con!
Funemployment Radio Episode 2049: BLACK'S PEST SERVICES
Today: It's Sarah's happiest holiday of the year (I'm not going to lie, as I'm typing this right now I'm eating a hot dog), and then we were joined by the delightful Bernard & Derrick from Black's Pest Services joined us to talk about what it's like doing their job, fascinating stories having to do with all types of critters, how to humanely capture and release animals, and much more - it is incredibly fascinating! Big thanks to them for coming on as sponsors, and be sure to contact them (and let them know you heard about them from us!) for all of your pest control needs! Have a great day all :)
Funemployment Radio Episode 2048: NEXT DOOR SUPERHEROES
Today: Greg has found a new group of people he is wanting to hang out with, Sarah actually recognizes them, the Raven and wow that still is not working, Arizona man does Florida man's job, squirrel burgler in London, heat actually makes you dumber, World Cup finale, and more - big thanks to our newest sponsor Black's Pest Services who will be joining us in-studio on Wednesday to chat about how we are finally going to take care of Greg's rat problem :) Have a great afternoon!
Funemployment Radio Episode 2047: JAY LARSON
Today: Sarah has a recap of Tropical Summer from yesterday, telling the truth and how many strippers, and comedian Jay Larson joined us to talk stand-up, getting started in comedy, podcasting, and more - he's great & he'll be performing tonight & tomorrow night at Helium Comedy Club! Have a rad weekend all!
Funemployment Radio Episode 2046: TROPICAL SUMMER X
Today: In case you have never heard it before, Sarah describes the (gross) paradise that is Tropical Summer, what is it and what goes on there, stripper soup and douchebag stew, rich iphones, sausages in pants, and more - have a great afternoon all!