Past Episodes: March 2019

Funemployment Radio Episode 2174: ERICA RHODES

Today: Greg gets nostalgic for an old Portland icon, we have decided on what our Halloween costumes are going to be and it's going to be AMAZING, and the fantastic Erica Rhodes joined us to talk fuzzy jackets, being on the radio, and recording her Comedy Album THIS weekend at Helium - get your tickets here, and have a great day!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2173: ST. PATRICK'S DAY SHOW

Today: We've announced that we are having our first event of the year, and it's happening on Sunday, March 17th - St. Patrick's Day! We talked all about that, the end of the world pamphlet Sarah got in the mail, who would be a good cult leader, conspiracy theory madlibs, and more - have a great day friends! Tickets to our Event here!!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2172: TWITCHY GREG

Today: Greg is ready to take a big boy step but he's not sure if he's going to be able to do it, what to expect and how to not let the children scare you, Guinness World record and how to beat it, Sarah and the Facebook crazies, fascinating to follow and bonkers, and have a great afternoon all!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2171: DEATH & TAXES

Today: Sarah is very sad because Luke Perry passed away, Bigfoot Cruise and living on hot sauce packets, and our friend Gilbert from H&R Block joined us to talk all things taxes, new rules and returns, and advice on how to make the most of your refunds - give him a call at (503) 233-0447 to set up an appointment, and have a great day! Huge thanks to H&R Block for their continued support!

Funemployment Radio Episode 2170: SHANE TORRES

Today: we were joined by our delightful friend Shane Torres who has come back to visit Portland all the way from New York! We talked changes in the city, being fired from jobs, and more... but mostly just gave Greg a lot of guff for being so fancy now :) Catch Shane all this weekend at Helium Comedy Club, and have a great afternoon!


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